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Outdoor chapel site
altar design

Check back often to see the progress of my Eagle Scout Project.

Painting woods for benches
Painting wood for benches
Sealing mahogany pieces
Work in progress
Stephen and Josh
Finished bench
Finished bench
8 finished benches

Phase One - Building the Benches

Phase Two - Podium

Phase Three - Altar

Phase Four - The Finished Outdoor Chapel

Our work


One of the things I am most proud of in my life is that I am becoming an Eagle Scout. I have worked almost my entire life to earn Eagle. I started Cub Scouts back in first grade. Over the years, I watched as kids continuously dropped out, but I was relentless. I was focused and determined to finish what I started. I knew I wanted to be an Eagle Scout my entire life, so unlike others, I put up with some of the tedious work and learned many valuable lessons and formed enduring friendships on the way. I learned the values to be a leader, morals and practical skills: first aid, knot tying, outdoor skills, budgeting, and project managing. I also discovered the importance of service to the community. My troop and I have spent countless hours assisting our community through the support of churches, the local American Legion, Rotary and many other organizations. I strive to live my life like a scout, as a trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, curious, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent person. These lessons and experiences helped shape the person I am today and I wouldn't trade them for anything.




I come from a long list of Eagle Scout and Girl Scout recipients:

Sean Heaney, Eagle Scout (1976) ~ Kerry Heaney, Eagle Scout (1976)
Gregory Wallace, Eagle Scout (1994)  ~  Tim Heaney, Eagle Scout (2009) ~ Jack Cutts, Eagle Scout ~ Shawn Cutts, Eagle Scout ~ Nicholas Wallace, Eagle Scout (2016)

Lynne McCaffery Stevens, Bronze & Silver GS Award

Callie Bubb, Bronze, Silver & Gold (2012) GS Award 
Natalie Hocker, Bronze GS Award (2010)

Caralee Stevens, Bronze & Silver GS Award ~ Ceci Stevens, Bronze & Silver GS Award

Claire Stevens, Bronze GS Award (2014) ~ Cassie Stevens, Bronze GS Award (2015)



STEPHEN HOCKER          2605 North Bayview Rd Ext         Southold, NY 11971         631-765-2382

Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting. Since 1912 more than two millions Boy Scouts have earned the Eagle Scout rank. In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, Eagles to the best each day to make their training an examples,their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in their troop,
in their community, and in their contacts with other people. To this they pledge their sacred honors

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Band saw





Lumber for benches 2'x4'

Lumber for moveable alter 3'x5' 

Lumber for podium 2'x4'

8 Bench Kits



Nails & Screws

Wood glue


Safety goggles

Garbage bags

To create an outdoor worship area consisting of a removable altar, eight benches and a podium for
St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Greenport. The eight benches will provide  approximately 24-32 seats.

Phases will include:


1. Plan and design outdoor alter, benches and podium including costs and materials. 

2. Figure out how much of each material will be used in each part of the project.

3. Send out letters to immediate  family asking for donations for my project.

4. Cut the wood to construct the benches, altar and podium.

5. Organize and schedule help to assemble benches, altar and podium.

6. Get recommendations and complete paperwork to finish up my project.

7. Setting up outdoor chapel


Anchor 1

           SCOUT                   TENDER FOOT           SECOND CLASS              FIRST CLASS                      STAR                                LIFE                               EAGLE

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